Masalcı speaks: Paritekenas is from Spacia. Spacians have an intricate and complex relationship with human beings. They are independent of them once they exist, but their existence is entirely upon to them. This situation may come to You paradoxical or even a kind of an oxymoron explanation, but I believe that we will understand each other better as we proceed.

Spacians have some peculiarities, quite different from the Humankind. For instance, they do not need sheltering, food, water or even air for living. They can fly endlessly without landing, move very fast (faster than light) and not die. They consider themselves as dead when they are forgotten.
Provided that, even they are lost, regardless of the time passed, human beings mostly can revitalise them if they are able to find. Their real death happens when another Spacian kills them which ends up losing their validity.

They do not have a gender of any kind, and hence they cannot make sex, but they can be used for it by human beings. How do they give birth then? There are many ways of this happening. Not limited to those, of course, generally speaking: imagination, questioning, learning, critics and discussions may cause some babies born; they may come to life as a result of discoveries or inventions/innovations (or vice versa), and sometimes this may come out of the blue.
There is no lie in their dictionary; hence they do not know it, which does not mean that whatever they say is right or represent the truth. On the contrary, human beings can use them for themselves to lie as they do in sex.

They may live in the form of voices, words, symbols, written forms or whatever suits. They live as communities, namely: thoughts, opinions, myths, ideas, history, philosophy, logic, science, literature, art and so on, separately in each and in all in a way interlinked. They are very flexible, quick and to some extent durable. They may even find a quick life in a brain individually without coming to the surface.

Paritekenas intervened here, by speaking to Masalcı: ” I came here to pay a visit to Camcosman, but I am delighted to meet You before him. I like Camcosman very much. He is kind, thoughtful, open-minded, caring person. He is a good listener and had developed himself a habitual manner to discuss decently (not taking the discussions and critiques personal) for a compromise and gives all the efforts to seek the truth.
While they were chatting about Camcosman, he was trying to write a poem (not good enough at this though) to his lovely wife at his shop:
” A love candle burning in my heart Every Evening.
A flower blossoms in my soul at Every Sunrise.
Perhaps he was another man where You left,
I am at a different moment, in a different World…”

Paritekenas continued: Freedom is essential for our life and indispensable part of it by nature. Our space is also very beneficial for Humankind. If I may add a couple of points before finish: No one can take it from us and Humankind accordingly, unless they prefer to. (Freedom of thought and faith) I am curious on this matter though, for possible developments and effects of Artificial Intelligence and neural engineering works. In any condition, they can not hold of them from thinking as they wish to. Therefore, when You speak about this, You actually mean “the freedom of expression”. It may be desirable the constructive one for good in essence, but even this one will also belong to their preference.

We call some of our children as “dialecticas”. They very often say: ” Dialectics of life-your preferences and their consequences- will teach!”. (Respectfully to Heraclitus for the logic) Last but not least, people need to understand that the more we are attacked, the more and stronger we become as long as we have a sound base. Similarly, the more profound we are for good, the longer we live.
Please remember! You can face the thoughts with thoughts. If the current circumstances is not so; Please let the people free to ask, let them free to think, let them free to speak! for the sake of Humanity…
That is why I like the Phersues most: Konuşmacı (Speaker), Yazar (Writer), Haberci (Messenger) and Eğitimci (Instructor). Needless to say that Düşünen (Thinker) is our ancestral father. Now, may I kindly ask for Your permission to go to Camcosman Glass Factory? Masalcı thanked and farewelled Paritekenas by waving hands…
Konuşmacı/Tercüman Yazar Eğitimci Düşünür

When Paritekenas arrived at Camcosman’s place, it found him still struggling with his poem…Will continue…