See Yourself! / Long lasting cleavage (Personality vs People)

Masalcı speaks: Camcosman (Camco) had been waiting for Paritekenas (Pa) in the voices of chirping birds at his patio in front of his craft shop early in the morning. You can see different kinds of flowers and plants in the garden, like scenting jasmines, melissas, geraniums, bougainvillaeas, pelargoniums with bright colours, giant fennels, nettles, yellow and red touch-and-heal plants, cactuses, mulberry and vine tree, some of which were endemic. He can hardly understand how all of this live-in peace in such a small area altogether.

When he saw a dust cloud at a long distance on the horizon; He realized that Pa was coming. When Shehe comes, Shehe does not come only by herhimself as thoughts but also with realizations, perceptions, logic, comparisons, and even memories as herhis crowded family of Spacians. When they came closer, he saw them on their beautiful and wild horses.

Camco has produced many mirrors, mosaics, beads, and glasses in his craft shop since he had known himself. His place had an old-looking and quite a big-name board- contrary to the shop’s small size- and its colours almost faded away: “Camco &His Daughters Inc.”. He works here with his three daughters: “Yana (Yanyana), Cama (Camcama) and Cana (Cancana)”. He trained these talented, good looking, bright girls as crafters following their desires. Yana deals with mirrors, Cama with glasses, and Cana is a conciliator. Camco was secretly pleased that his family tree would continue via the mitochondrion carried by his wife Canay to his daughters.

While he was watching his daughters working industriously, Pa got closer. Camco’s mind was busy with fading memories, parading in the mirrors of the past when He saw his Father Hardik’s face on it. He owed everything to him, and He hardly stopped himself from tears down. While Hardik was turning over the place to Camco, they went through every corner of the store. They checked over every detail of the work until they came to the front of an old dusty archaic wall. Hardik said: “There are three doors behind the walls, my mother had shown me. The gate on the wall will be open when the time comes. All You need to do is work hard, develop yourself, keep your heart open, and be patient! If You force it to open, it will be like killing the golden goose or dry the water source. Please Be patient!” Then Hardik had unexpectedly given the last breath within a deep quietness in front of the wall. Right before he died, he whispered to Camco’s ears, “You thought that I was living as I would never die. Right? I believe in the same illusion, which is nice and pleasing. Now it is time to go!…”

Camco had a strong feeling inside that today was the time to get in. He realized that he had waited for more than thirty years for the day to come.
When Pa and herhis accompanied Akins arrived, he went in front of the wall. He called his daughters by warning them, “Please, ready for surprises and try to stay calm. Everything will be fine!”. Yana came first with her cat Peri in her lap. Tiftik (the dog)was running around with excitement. And Misket (another cat) was trying to imitate Tiftik to get some attention. As they got together, even without touching, stones had started crumbling.

A passageway opened where one person hardly passes through with the stairs behind. He and his daughters began to walk down one by one cautiously with torches in their hands.

When they went down to the stairs of seven-fold stores, they came to a space surrounded by older walls with hardly distinctive doors in it. Under the dust on the first door, Camco barely saw the motto carved on it. “Te Videre!” (See Yourself!). As He attempted to clean the door’s dust, suddenly the Gezgin (Traveler) appeared and said, “Wait!” I have heard this, in an extensive meaning from Turkish Sufi poet and Mystic Yunus Emre quotes:
“Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge:
Knowledge means to know (knowing-KK) yourself, heart and soul.
If you have failed to understand yourself,
Then all of your reading has missed its call.”
― Yunus Emre (
And “The Ancient Greek aphorism “know thyself” is one of the Delphic maxims and was the first of three maxims inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, according to the Greek writer Pausanias. The two maxims that followed “know thyself” were “nothing to excess” and “surety brings ruin”. Latin the phrase, “know thyself” is given as (called KK) nosce te Ipsum or temet nosce. (
Now, You may place your hand on the door. With a feeling of deep respect to all, as Camco put his left hand to the handprint, the door opened by itself, and millions of spacians and etherians came out like a storm of species in the form of fire. They had waited for a while until everything settled down

The passageway took them to a small hill where you can see a vast agora not possible to make out the limits of the magnitude, giving a sense of infinite time and space. There should be billions of deaths and alive people altogether.

Then Yazar (Writer) came up like the Gezgin and said, “He expressed in a different context though it may be good to remember Omar Khayyam here: “LXIV. Strange, is it not? that of the myriads who
Before us pass’d the door of Darkness through,
Not one returns to tell us of the Road,
Which to discover we must travel too.” ( RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM- Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald -Fifth Edition)

The deaths were trying to say something to the living ones, but mostly they did not seem to listen. The more their eyes get used to the Darkness, the more they start to see the details. The living people were carrying mirrors in their hands. Some of them do not have any, and some of the mirrors are broken or divided. Then they see the transparent versions of the people in between the mirrors and bodies and much more prominent, darker, and more significant versions in the back. Pa whispered to him that the pellucid versions before the mirrors are images only; personalities and the darker ones are sub consciousnesses.

Then, Camco realised that the people who see themselves in their mirror as they are, look in peace relatively and are even happy. When he looked closer, he figured out that some characters carry different bags in their hands, and they took out stones from their bags and threw them into their mirrors. It was pretty interesting that mirrors come back to their original form after broken, like in the myth of Sisyphos. But every crack left some discomfort on people, regardless of how small or big and shallow or deep. Similar actions were recurring within similar circles until they changed their understanding, perception, and attitude to accept the change for good.

Sometimes this may cause them to create more rage for themselves, and somehow, not taking responsibility for their actions reflects on others. When they become angrier, they start throwing stones at the other’s mirrors, which provokes some of them to come back with a similar response or retaliation. Let us say circular offensive actions continues even not confessed until they realize the cause.

But different from breaking their mirror, the crack stays there when they do to the others’. Perhaps the proverb saying “Do not break the hearts! it may be difficult to repair” came from that endless and meaningless struggle emanating primarily from the Ego. Camco felt like he was observing one of the most considerable historical chaos he had ever seen and will see in his life.

When Camco started to see more, He saw the big “N” on some tee-shirts first. Then he saw some “S” s, “B” s, “P” s, “OCD” s etc., marked. And he also figured out additionally that the people focus on different mirrors (concave and convex) in his dual mirror production.

Then the Scientist came up by saying, “Sorry I am late! It may be a good start to ask, ‘Is there a normal? Or let us say What is normal?’ It is difficult to speak about this unless You have an appropriate reference. The reference may change from one person to another or society, naturally making the discussion subjective and relative. I will suggest using “healthy” instead of ‘normal’ which more or less can be defined more objectively.”
The Scientist continued: “Not the simple is that, but we may say; the more inferiority brings, the more superiority for internal balance per se. And People are either not aware of or usually do not prefer to look at their dark side, which makes them uncomfortable.

Unless You resolve the issues within the dark side, they will continue as one of the most fundamental challenges for individuals and society to settle down. Without getting into the depth of preparatory effects and treats, may it be an excellent point to start with conditions for fertilization, pregnancy, birth and growing cycle. Somehow, more or less, we all, individually or collectively, contribute to the known processes, mostly unconsciously. Recognition of the default, accepting it, then transforming it for good maybe a brief understanding for the steps to be taken.” Camco said as to show he understood what Scientist said: “Can we say: There are specific addresses for the faults and defects of the people and the societies, though first and foremost we are all responsible for what happens to us. Regardless of how minor or significant they are, we have created altogether what we see bothering us. Transformation should start with ourselves.”

And the Şifacı entered to the word: “Personally, what I believe is; unconditional love brings enduring peace. Peace should start with our acceptance. Right? “Scientist nodded. Şifacı added, “We can also speak about Karma here?”

Masalcı said to Camco: “Could You please look back!” When Camco turned around, with a bigger surprise, he realised giant mirrors reflecting the societies.

Masalcı said: “We may assume that Societies, more or less, act as a body. We are not speaking about the individuals’ cumulative actions/reactions as a society but a more extensive existence and its dynamics in a larger picture within their tissues via their culture.” He kindly thanked the Scientist and Healer with appreciation and came back to his place. Right before leaving, he recognized two different roads at the far back and his own mirror (ayna) in front of him. Camco asked Ayna: “Who am I?” Ayna told him that: “I can not tell You who or what You are! Perhaps You may tell me ‘How do You see yourself?’

When He looked at the roads at the far back, One looks more profound to the Darkness, the other looks like dim light through the tunnel. Camco felt that this was more than enough to digest.
Then, suddenly a Chorus started a ballad-like scream, rolling down to earth:

“Accept me! Accept me!
Listen to me! Listen to me!
Don’t object to anything!
I can justify whatever I say.
Be like me! be like me!
Don’t You see I can’t
Understand Me! Understand Me!
Don’t judge me! Please
Accept me! Accept me!” Kenan K.
While Ballad continues, a memory took Camco back to Yana’s childhood. He said Yana with loving eyes: “You were a cute and curious baby? Do You remember Your queries about not seeing yourself in the mirror? “She said, “Dad?” “Do You still see the Light Seeker- naughty boy?” She responded again with a little bit of stronger objection: “Daaad?”

Pelargoniums were shining under the morning sun without knowing what was happening and continue giving happiness who looked at them.

(Note: Inputs by the editor shown as KK-Kenan K)