Orukk is a Journey to the Lillies World...


Mystery of unknown and knowledge

Masalcı speaks: “O.K Gizem (Mystery of unknown) Could You Please speak about yourself! Let us learn something about You.”
Gizem said: “I am sorry… I do not think that I am the right address to comment on myself; because I know what I am but, do not understand why and how I happen. Anyhow, I may suggest having some support from other Phersues accordingly.”
Masalcı scratched herhis head while Shehe was murmuring. “Let us see… Düşünür(Thinker), Yazar (Writer), and Gözlemci (Observer) will be definetly needed. It may be nice to invite Gezgin (Traveler), and Dinleyici (Listener). It will be quite a meeting…”

While Shehe was thinking about them, they appeared one by one at Lillies Garden. Masalcı said “Welcome You all. Thank You for coming. Tea is ready at the back. Please help yourself! By the way, Dinleyici Did You bring the Word Stick?”

Shehe was holding it and said “Yes”. Yazar (Writer) while looking at the Stick in the hand of Dinleyici with curiosity, Shehe has asked what it is. Dinleyici said: “Word Stick shows the queue of speaking. Whoever holds the Stick will speak first, and the others will listen. Whoever wishes to speak will have the Stick and so on. At the end of the meeting, You will give it back to me as ‘Word Stick keeper’. Traditionally the rule is that the oldest should keep it, but since we do not have the age, I do this on your behalf in terms of my function.” Yazar thanked Dinleyici. Masalcı asked for the Stick and has started speaking: “Today, we get together to discuss ‘The Theory of Knowledge and Mystery of unknown’. Anyone, to start?” Düşünür took the Stick and started talking:

“I think we need to start with notions and terms to speak the same language and to understand the same thing what about we talk. As come to my mind, we can list the terms as Mind, Intelligence, Wisdom, Thinking, Memory, Comprehension, Logic, Knowledge, Information, Meaning, Senses, Feelings and Method etc…” Masalcı forgot about the stick rule and said “Wow… The meeting will be quite long”. Düşünür continued: “Let me start with the methodology. For the practicality of the meeting, I will suggest putting the Stick aside, assuming that we are holding it and speak freely without being interrupted.” Everybody nodded. “I will also suggest a holistic approach to the conceptions by using multiple and multi-layered logic. Inductive, deductive, linear, paradoxical, syntopic, dialectic, fuzzy and whatever. To make it short, everything in one pot but flexible and simple/mere. Agree?” Everybody nodded again. “One last reminder. Please keep in mind that our audience is ordinary people, not the philosophers, respectively.” Gezgin said “I have seen many philosophers in ordinary people not known. They utter a sentence on which you can write books. We generally call them as man of heart.” “You are right.”
Düşünür speaks as if he gives a lecture: “Let me start with the name of this theory. Generally, we call it as ‘epistemology or gnosiology’ -philosophical-. What is knowledge? It is an acquisition. You can obtain/produce this from your source genuinely via your own experiences or transfer it from another source as a store. Your references maybe your mind, senses, emotions, backgrounds for your knowledge or you can transfer information (you can learn) from another individual, or from sources individually and collectively accumulated/stored (e.g. history).

Coming to the mystery: There is a basic rule, as one of the critical issues for the knowledge is maybe that “not possible to know what is unknown” which stimulate curiosity one of which main motivating factor for discovery/exploration/learning and hence progress. On the other hand, there are limits of mind, science and intuitions. So, it may be better being curious in one side but not to force the mind limits excessively depends upon the preferences of the individuals themselves. Additionally, it may be more critical on how to use knowledge/information. For sure, it should serve the peace, prosperity and happiness of the people within the preserved nature. First awareness: It is to be aware of what had happened, happening and will happen together with the reasons behind them. Realisation of awareness requires open mind and objectivity. To build consciousness over awareness, dynamics of life are needed to be comprehended for goodness of all. This approach brings us to form and substance issue. (Which determines which) Anyhow, to keep the focus, I will suggest deferring this discussion. For the awareness and consciousness, the simple way may be to ask/interrogate. But to keep in mind that to pray without the knowledge or knowing without asking most probably will end up with dogma or at least with submission which will nurture the previous. “
At this point, Gezgin would like to interfere: “I saw a labyrinth/meander in a far distant country represents the ‘Dogma’. In this model, the logic works as ‘one way in, no way out’. Whatever the reason is, once you get in this path, you turn around and around without knowing where you are.

This understanding/unconsciousness may end up the existence of individuals or masses who may be easily managed or directed towards the purpose of game planners.”
-” Who are these game planners?” Masalcı asked.
-“They are the ones who exploit others for their interests. Two fundamental questions may be helpful to clarify the cycle better. What is the purpose of your action? Is this your real purpose or a designed one as they wish to? Who is benefited with your activity? (Another way of saying: Where do you carry the water and to whose watermill?) “Masalcı thanked Gezgin, and by looking around, he asked any more comments?

  • Gözlemci: “Within the same context, it may be helpful to look at the person who is saying than the words of what he is saying- the purpose-“
    -Yazar: “I brought a ‘history model’ together. Syntopic reading will be quite important to clarify that who wrote it and from which perspective. Needless to remind that there may be some re-writings of the history for their purpose if not all at anytime.”


  • Thinker thanked all and continued: “Now, let me say a couple words about intellect which is the ability to comprehend. Wisdom is the ability of rational adaptation and compatibility to a situation, along with the consciousness. For the flexible methodology for these in general, I would like to refer to Nesimi’s words which are very concise and meaningful.
    “Sometimes I rise and watch the universe from above,
    Sometimes I go down to earth and lose myself in love.
    What of it?”
    (‘Gâh çıkarım gökyüzüne, seyriderim âlemi,
    Gâh inerim yeryüzüne, yar severim kime ne?’ Turkish version)
    (https://www.universeofpoetry.org/turkey.shtml The poetry presented here has been translated and interpreted by Latif Bolat and Jennifer Ferraro.)
    Masalcı said: “Thank You All, no more words after Nesimi…”

contact: absart@outlook.com

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